
Thank you for joining with us in the call to impact the orphans of Kenya

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What are we going to Kenya for?

      I thought it would be a good time to pause and re-cap what Dana and I have been called to Kenya for. We have felt the call of the Lord for some time now. We have been specifically called to serve the orphans of Kenya by helping out at the Africa Gospel Church Abandonded Baby Centre. We will be assisting in running the Baby Centre.
     Dana will be working with the logistics of all the visitors coming to the Baby Centre. She will be the coordinator of all teams and visitors at the Baby Centre.
     I will be the Business Developement Coordinator. This means that I will be working on helping the baby centre move towards self-sustainability. I will also will be working with the water business and the farm in getting them working more efficient. We also know that things often change and are prepared to be flexible. We pray for God's leading each day.
    We are going to serve the Kenyan people in any way we can. Our God is an awesome God who has a plan for each and every one of us. His plan is for us to go to Kenya. What is His plan for you? Is He calling you to be a part of something beyond yourself, to step out of your comfort zone? Is He calling you to join our team? We have been blessed so richly already by many of you who have joined our prayer team and those who have joined our support team. Thank you so much for your sacrificial giving. We look forward to being an extension of your hands and feet in Kenya. We are praying for wisdom, strength and courage as we navigate through all the various things that need to be completed for us to leave.
Thank you, and Blessings to All!

1 comment:

  1. God IS faithful. His plans always unfold according to His purpose and timing. May He hold you up and encourage you as He takes you through this time of planning AND waiting on Him. On a personal note, so much enjoy your writing style :)
