
Thank you for joining with us in the call to impact the orphans of Kenya

Thursday, November 22, 2012


     There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving that there isn't enough room to list them all.  God has been good to us and we are so thankful to Him for the many blessings and the "bends in the road" that we've encountered over the last year.
Linet preparing food
     This is our first Thanksgiving in Kenya.  We miss our families and friends back in the states, but are so very thankful for the family we have here in the Baby Centre employees and the other missionaries.  Kenya doesn't celebrate a Thanksgiving Day so on Wednesday we threw a Thanksgiving lunch for all the Baby Centre employees and explained to them what Thanksgiving Day is all about in America.  We had a really good time serving and talking with the employees.  Here are some photos.

Margie preparing food
Cooking on the new outdoor cooker
Us serving lunch
Some of the group

     Then today, Thanksgiving Day, the missionaries celebrated together.  We had our meal at Staci & Wycliff's home.  We had a wonderful turkey (after we were able to get it thawed out!), mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, salad, butternut squash casserole, green beans, rolls, pumpkin pie, chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake, mango pie, chocolate pie, coffee and pumpkin spice latte!!  It was a wonderful meal.  Then we had good fellowship with each other and some time to just relax.  We were very thankful for today and time with our missionary family.  We were all missing our families back in the US so it was good for all of us to be together today and laugh and have a good time.  Here are a few photos.

Dan carving the turkey
Dan & Wycliff carving the turkey
Carson, Wycliff, April, Alice, Staci, Eliana
     Thank you Lord for your goodness, your faithfulness, your love.  
We are thankful for all of you, we pray that you too will have a wonderful day of contemplating how the Lord has blessed you. We thank God for all of the babies. We thank God for people like Robyn Moore and Dr. Chuck Bemm who volunteer their time to make sure the babies are healthy.
   Bwana asifiwe, Bwana asifiwe tena!
   Praise the Lord, praise the Lord again!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

18 November, 2012

   We have had another very full week. We traveled to Nairobi on this past Thursday to complete paperwork for Dana and Carson on their visa's. That is an adventure that is very hard to explain, and we are very happy it is over.
   We also went to Aga Khan University Hospital for Dana's annual check-up from her cancer. We are so pleased to announce that the test came back favorable, 5 years cancer free, PRAISE GOD!!! They were so very good to us there. Dana was able to share some of her story with the staff, and tell them why we are in Kenya. She got a text this morning from one of the staff at the hospital, an amazing connection God has given her.
   We also have had many visitors this week. One of the visitors was the father of the twins, Naomi and Jonathon. This was his second trip here to see the kids. He is so appreciative of the care his children are getting. He also brought us onions and potatoes from his farm. It was such a wonderful expression of love to us that has really encouraged us.
   We had a team come from some local colleges that prepared meals for the kids and the staff and helped out with many small projects around the Baby Centre.
   Then this morning we had a group of women come from a church in Njoro. One of our caregivers attends the church and she had invited them. It was a wonderful example of the vision that we see spreading throughout the community. When I asked them how many had been to the Baby Centre before, none of them had. Before the end of the tour, half of the women were in tears. They had no idea what the Baby Centre was about. They spent a lot of time just holding and loving on all the children.  They assured us that though this was the first time they were here, it would not be the last.  They plan on returning to spend more time with the children and to bring some more much needed supplies.
   Days just fly by with all the busyness of the Baby Centre, the many visitors, and the other projects that are on-going.  It is hard for us to believe that it is almost Thanksgiving!  We ask for prayers as this will be a difficult time for us with being away from our four kids (son-in-law included), our parents and our siblings.   (We will definitely take this opportunity of our families being together to plan on skyping with them so that will be wonderful! Technology can be a great thing!)  We will celebrate here at the Baby Centre first on Wednesday by cooking a meal for the entire staff.  Then, on Thanksgiving day we will celebrate with Staci, Wycliff & kids, April, and Jim & Alice with the usual Thanksgiving day meal!
   We are thankful for our families, friends, and for everyone that is interested in this ministry and all that God is doing here.  Thank you for your continued support and for staying in touch through our blog.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

11 November 2012

    We have been very busy at the AGC Baby Centre over the last two weeks.  We have received 11 babies over the last 13 days. Not all of them are infants, some are here for protective custody.  We thank God for a staff here at the Baby Centre that are versatile and willing to go the extra mile to accommodate these little ones at a moments notice.  We have also been working with the staff on efficiencies and procedures to make life better for the children and more smooth for the staff.
     Below is little Joshua K. that joined us just on Friday.  He is a sweetheart and weighs a little over
13 lbs. and is around 5 months old.  Please remember to keep Joshua K. in your prayers.

Joshua K.

Pastor Bones, Staci and Dan 
     This past Thursday we welcomed Pastor Anthony Bones to the Baby Centre to preside over the installation of the new administration.  Pastor Bones is the Pastor of Good Shepard AGC in Nairobi and is the Vice-Chairperson of the Baby Centre board.  In the process we now have a new organizational structure which is set up for the long term growth of the Baby Centre.  We have installed two new managers in the new structure.  Emanuel is now the Business Manager, and Robert is the Ministry Manager.  Please pray for this new management as we move forward.  We will be saying more about this in the weeks to come.  Staci also transfered the Directorship of the Baby Centre to Dan. This is bittersweet for all of us here.  We all know that God's timing is perfect, and He has brought us all here to this time.  We do thank Staci for all of her years of service and the heart that she displays for these babies every day.  We will miss her and Wycliffe, Gifton, Solomon, and Eliana.
     Also this last Saturday we travelled to Nairobi for a farewell party for Terry and Karen Duncan as they prepare to leave Kenya.  They have been such an inspiration to all of us and they will be sorely missed.
     Today was the opening of the Africa Gospel Church Nakuru Region.  The Bishop Robert Langat was here and presided over the ceremony.  It is part of the church's strategic plan to spread the Gospel throughout this country to every tribe and tongue.  Some of our Baby Centre kids had a part in the program.  They danced and sang and recited a poem.  They all did so well and were so excited about performing (I hope to post a video of them practicing at another time).

Some of the Baby Centre kids singing & dancing today.
Bishop Robert Langat

     We thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  Thank you for continuing to read our blog and stay updated with what is happening in this ministry.



Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thank you Babu Bill

    As we write tonight it is with very mixed feelings. We are so very sad at our loss here on earth of Bill Dearmon, however celebrate with him knowing he has been fully healed now and is with our Savior forever. The impact that Bill and Melody made on this community is tremendous. I have spoken with many of the staff over the last few days, and have heard many stories of how they and their families were impacted by what Bill and Melody started. The AGC Baby Centre not only rescues the little ones that are abandoned all over Kenya, but provides jobs for a large number of people in the community. It also reaches into the economy of the Nakuru area in all of the business we do with the local merchants.
   God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Thank you to Bill and Melody for hearing God's call and saying yes to His leading. This past week has really been a good representation of why the Baby Centre is here. We have had 6 children come to us over the last eight days. Four of them have been a week old or less. Almost every one of these would have surely died if there had not been a place of refuge for them. Thank you to all of you who play such an important part in continuing the legacy that Bill and Melody started. Below are two pictures of babies that you may have already seen.


Here is Billy Ray(left) and Melody Ann the two latest additions to the Baby Centre.                                         

Please pray with all of us here in Kenya for the Dearmon family as they grieve the passing of Bill. He will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.

     D & D