
Thank you for joining with us in the call to impact the orphans of Kenya

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Back Home

  Dana, Carson, Hope and I made it very well back to the Baby Centre on Sunday afternoon. We arrived to a large group of staff and children singing, waving balloons and flowers to welcome us back. We were very moved. Dana got out of the van in the parking lot and walked into our home, with the staff following us. We felt very welcomed. We had some difficulties in getting our internet up and running, but as you can tell we are on-line once again.
  The trip went very well. We had great seats and a very good flight to Amsterdam. We got a day room at a hotel attached to the airport for our 14 hour layover. It was great, we could rest and shower and have a good meal before moving on. The second trip was also very good, it was also an overnight flight, but on this one Hope decided not to sleep. It was still a good flight. When we arrived at the airport in Nairobi, we had to disembark out on the runway. Dana had to walk down that long flight of stairs and did great. We were met by our good friend and long time driver Francis.
  On Tuesday, we had the Baby Centre Board meeting. That went very well. Per the Board I have officially taken back over the job of Director. Manu, Cate and Pius did a wonderful job while I was away. There are many exciting things coming for the Baby Centre in the next several months. I will start working with the staff on getting up to speed on these new ideas, and how the Baby Centre moves forward. The babies are doing well, and we are set for a good year of adoptions, and of seeing many more babies rescued. Dana and I are currently working on updating the Baby Centre website. We are also working on a new promotional campaign to be used both in country and internationally.
  With each day that goes by, there seems to be new obstacles to saving babies and sustaining our Baby Centre. Praise God though, we can take refuge in the fact that our God is bigger than all of these obstacles, He is in control, He is the One who gives us the victories. We need not fear governments or corruption, God is in control.  God continues to bless us both as a family, and continues to shower the Baby Centre with His provision and love.
  We look forward to seeing where God leads this next few months. Thank you for your prayers and support, they are greatly appreciated.

   Lastly, but by no means least - Dana has been doing phenomenal. She has been navigating the house by herself, walking everywhere in the house without my assistance, and even sometimes walking without her cane. I am going to have to restrain her :). We praise God for this and the miracle it is. We are truly blessed to have experienced this first hand. It does not matter what tomorrow holds, that fact is, for this season in Dana's life, she has been restored!!! To God be the glory, great things He has done!!



Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Look Back at 2013, A Look Ahead at 2014

    What a year it has been! We have been blessed in so many ways. We have 
attached two pictures that tell a great deal of the story for 2013. The first 
one is of Dana in the Hospital in Nairobi July, 2013. The second picture is New 
Years Eve 2013 at Concord Mall. We praise God for all that He has done in our 
lives this year. We have seen His hand in miraculous ways. We feel that this has 
been a confirmation to our call to Kenya, and to us returning to finish what the 
Lord has called us to do. We are very open to see how He leads us through these 
next months as we return to Kenya and continue in our ministry to the Orphaned 
and Abandoned children.
    Dana will have a PET scan on Monday the 13th for her first in a series of 
PET scans to monitor how her treatments are doing. This is part of her ongoing 
maintenance program that she will need to have performed every six months. On 
the 14th of January we meet with Dana's doctor to get her official release to 
return to Kenya. We have already been given the verbal release. In reaction to 
that and to our release from WGM headquarters, we are very pleased to tell 
everyone that we have our tickets purchased and we will be departing for Kenya 
on the 17th of January.
   In the excitement, there is also much sadness as we leave our families once 
again. Dana's mom continues to improve from her apparent stroke, but the 
progress is slow. She still cannot speak and this weighs heavy on our hearts. We 
are blessed though to leave her knowing that Dana's dad and two sisters will be 
here to help out. Please pray for Les and Bev (Dana's parents), Harry and Nancy 
(Dan's parents), Nathan, Tiffany and Audrey (our son and his girlfriend and her 
daughter), Andrea, Mike and Elisabeth (our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter), 
and our daughter Talia as we leave all of these behind once again.
   There are all of the emotions here at work as we now have the date and we 
prepare to leave. The one constant through  all of this is that we know how much 
God loves each and every one of us, He wants what is best for each of us, and He 
is always there for us. We cannot out-love, out-think, out-work, out-spend our 
God. He is the same God yesterday, today, and will be the same tomorrow. On that 
promise we can be assured.
   Thank you for all of your prayers, and thank you for how so many of you have 
loved on us while we were here. Thank you for the cards, the food, the gifts, 
and the financial support. It has truly blessed us.
