
Thank you for joining with us in the call to impact the orphans of Kenya

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update 15 April 2014

     It has been awhile since our last post.  There is so much happening at the Baby Centre that we just have not had the time to get an update done.

     Dana continues to gain strength and movement. Everywhere we go, they are amazed at the miracle that she is. God has truly touched her in a mighty way for this season of her life. It is hard to put into words the essence this entire experience has been. It definitely goes beyond the vocabulary that we have.  We have gotten to witness many miracles with our own eyes. What a powerful God we serve!!

     We have a lot of pictures to put on this post to show what all has been happening.

     At this moment we don't have any VIA's at the Baby Centre.  Though we've had 4 already this year.  We posted about Jackie and Kim from Northern Ireland.  While they were here we also had the privilege of hosting Sarah and Luci, also from Northern Ireland.  They came and helped out for 2 weeks and were such a blessing to all of us.  We had a wonderful time with all 4 of our 
Northern Ireland VIA's!  They are all greatly missed!

Sarah and Luci

     Also, since the last post we had our annual WGM retreat in Malindi.  As always it was beautiful weather, very hot and very humid.  Our speaker this year was Reverend Stan Key.  He was absolutely wonderful teaching us out of the book of Jeremiah. We also got the opportunity to spend some one on one time with him. What a great man of God.

Stan Key and Dan
Family photo on the coast of Indian Ocean

As you can see by the photo of us below, my beautiful wife was all over the place, even going down to the beach and walking in the surf!

     When we arrived back to the Baby Centre we had a youth team from our home church here.  It was great to see some familiar faces.  Carson had a great time since it was a youth team most of the kids were around his age so he got to hang out with them.  They even joined in the daily soccer game (pictures below).  Everyone had a great time.

NMC Youth Team
The NMC youth team did several different outreach ministries, but spent the bulk of the time loving on our babies. It is always great to have teams come and experience holding, feeding and playing with these children. Their greatest need is to be loved.

This week we had a surprise from one of our neighbors here in the village of Ngata. They called and said they had something for the babies. Please click on the short video below to see what an amazing gift this was!!!

60 weeks worth of maize!!!


Some other things that are happening, the babies are all on the National Health Insurance Fund now, we are working on getting our tax exempt status completed, we are also working on getting our Value Added Tax or VAT exemption filed which would help us tremendously financially.
We are currently at 50 babies here at the Baby Centre. We have had ten adoptions already this year. We have another that has been matched and is coming to bond with their new baby in the next couple weeks. We have not had very many admissions so far this year, partly due to some new government changes that have slowed the process.
Thank you for tracking with us, praying for us and the Baby Centre, and supporting us in so many ways.
D & D